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21 Burning Questions I Have About "Squid Game"

Squid Game is the Korean show that has taken over the world. It's full of twists and turns, and like any good show, it doesn't overexplain everything — but that means there are a bunch of unanswered questions. Here are some of the most pressing...

1. First of all, who is this hot guy who recruits (and slaps) people?

The recruiter — a man in a suit — sits in a train station looking at Gi-hun

What is his connection to the whole thing? How did he get involved? Does he know what the game entails? Does he care? 

2. Also, is he the only recruiter?

The recruiter stands with Gi-hun in a train station

Considering at least 455 people were recruited in this round alone, he must be a busy man. 

3. How did the staff get involved?

The Squid Game staff, wearing black masks with shapes on the front and red jumpsuits, stand in a room with metal walls

Are they just as desperate as the contestants? Are they getting paid a lot? Or are they threatened? And how did they get sorted into circles, triangles, and squares?

4. And what about the human prop women?

One of the VIPs sits on a couch with his foot propped up on a kneeling woman in body paint; another body-painted woman stands behind the couch with her eyes closed

Do they...just get to go home after this horrific job? Feels like probably no. 

5. The game has been running since 1988 — are there always the same number of people?

The contestants stand in a large group in the dormitory; some sit on beds in the background

6. And do they always play the same games?
The contestants kneel on the ground in an oversized playground setting with guards watching over them

7. What happened to all the other past winners?

A list of past winners; the writing is in Korean

8. Is there always just one winner?

Gi-hun stands outside, wet and bloody
Do the games ever allow more than one person to succeed? Does everyone just...die sometimes?

9. Has anyone else ever tried to share their story or report the games besides Gi-hun?

Gi-hun yells at a police officer sitting opposite him in a police station

10. What happened to the people who didn’t return to the game after the majority voted to leave?

Contestants stand in front of a sign in the dormitory that has the number 187 on it indicating how many people are there

11. By the way, did Mi-nyeo really have a baby she hadn’t named?

Mi-nyeo looks shocked sitting in her bed

And if so, did she name it? And who was looking after it?!

12. How did In-ho go from being in the game to being the Front Man?

In-ho stares at the camera

And how did he go from the type of person to give his brother a kidney to THE FRONT MAN WHO TRIED TO MURDER HIM?!?!

13. When did he become the Front Man?

The Front Man in his black mask walks down a hallway

It seems like he has been for a while, and he was in the game himself in 2015 — but how did his family only just notice that he was missing?!

14. Did Jun-ho actually die?

Jun-ho is dirty and wet and stares ahead in shock

He was only shot in the shoulder, and we didn't actually SEE him die — could he still be alive?

15. And did any of the videos he sent to his colleague actually get through?

Close-up of Jun-ho's phone screen as he attempts to send videos

It seemed like at least two did?

16. What exactly did the VIP he recorded reveal?

An old white VIP kneels on the ground with eyes wide and a gun pointed at his head

17. How did the members with the organ-stealing side hustle set up their operation without detection?

Three staff members with circle masks stand around coffins

Like, how did they recruit people to help without getting busted, when they can’t see or know each other?

18. Did all the staff know Il-nam was actually the boss?

Il-nam lies on his bed covered in a blanket as a staff member leans over him

Was he ever in actual danger?

19. What happened to Il-nam’s wife and son?

Il-nam and Gi-hun look at each other

20. And who is running the game now that Il-nam is dead?

Close-up of Il-nam on his death bed

21. Finally, will we get a Season 2?!

A red-haired Gi-hun walks out of an airport tunnel with a determined look on his face

